Shocking statistics have been revealed by the Health and Safety Executive, which show that 40% of sites inspected throughout their month long spot-check initiative failed due to a lack of protection against issues such as noise, vibration and dust, as well as for not providing adequate welfare provisions for workers.
Exposure to harmful dust particles such as asbestos has long been a cause for concern for construction site workers. However, issues such as excessive noise and vibration, which have been proved to cause harmful long-term health effects, are only just starting to be taken seriously – shown by the amount of HSE notices filed in this recent initiative.
But for project managers and site foremen there is an easy solution to all of these issues, which can be fast and cost-effective, and much better than getting an HSE notice!
Hire solution
Working with an on site hire company can help any construction site manager alleviate these issues in a simple, quick and cost-effective manner, through the use of products which can be hired in.
Noise reduction barriers, such as the Echo Barrier ‘H’ range of products, are easy to install and take down and can reduce noise by up to 30 decibels. The panels are hung to site fencing and work by absorbing the noise, rather than reflecting it.
These barriers also work hard to keep dust particles from escaping from a site and becoming harmful to passers-by and local residents and workers.
The availability of noise reduction barriers such as these means there really is no excuse for site managers to be
Maintaining welfare standards
Welfare solutions such as toilets, food making facilities and areas in which to take a break in cold temperatures are not as difficult to provide on a building site as it may seem. It is an important element of site and employee management and if it’s not right, could give the HSE grounds to shut down a site.
Many site hire companies offer Welfare Vans for hire, which provide everything a site can need on an effective and temporary basis. These can be delivered to and driven away from site and don’t take up a lot of space, meaning they are a convenient way of providing the level of welfare provision expected.
There are a lot of stipulations that must be met by site managers when it comes to their duty of care to employees. Working with an on site hire company means all boxes can be ticked.
For one company from which you can rent everything you need to ensure you aren’t caught out by an HSE spot-check, visit