Acute conditions affecting the central nervous system, such as head trauma and intracerebral hemorrhage, can cause mental status and vital sign changes that simulate ketamine toxicity. Acute systemic conditions such as hypoxia, hypoglycemia, sepsis, hyperthyroidism, and electrolyte abnormalities such as hyponatremia should be differentials. In animal studies, however, the safety ratio […]

One of the key benefits of group therapy is the opportunity to learn from others who have faced similar challenges. Hearing stories of recovery and resilience from fellow group members can be incredibly inspiring and provide hope for those who may be struggling. It can also help individuals realize that […]

Confidence and productivity come with time and practice. It’s also important to realize why you chose to live a sober life and to keep that motivation in mind. Getting support doesn’t have to mean going to rehab, although that is an option. Support can also look like joining in-person […]

Sobriety is kind of like the fast-pass line at Disneyland, except the ride is growing up. “I knew instantly I didn’t want to date in a climate where you can’t fully trust the people you’re dating won’t expose you to COVID-19,” she said. Given those personal experiences, Wierman was disappointed […]

Deciding to taper off alcohol is a slower process that requires planning, but it can decrease both the chase of experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms and relapse. Weaning off alcohol can benefit people who drink moderately or have support systems. If you have a severe alcohol addiction, it might be best […]

For those at risk for severe withdrawal symptoms, medically-supervised detox is often the safest choice for beginning their sobriety or moderation journey. Others may discover after consulting with a doctor that it’s safe for them to quit alcohol cold turkey if they choose to. However, they may still decide that […]