Stay Safe! Tips For Avoiding Common Construction Site Accidents

Anyone can be a victim of an accident. However, some individuals are more at risk because of the work that they do. Those who are in construction, for instance, are often in danger because the places where they work are filled with hazardous things. More importantly, accidents that occur in such areas often end in disaster because it is common for workers to obtain life-threatening injuries that could cause coma, death or permanent disabilities that will have a huge impact on quality of life.

Because you never know when an accident could happen, it’s important to protect yourself from any eventuality. Therefore, know more about common construction site accidents and how to avoid them.

1. Falling Debris

In areas where something is being built, there is always the risk of falling debris. A victim could sustain minor cuts or bruises, but he might also incur serious head injuries. Anyone can also get injured, including passersby. In order to avoid these kinds of accidents, workers must have the right protective gear. There should also be a netting system around a structure that’s being built so that people are protected from falling objects.

2. Falls

Falling from heights is another common construction site accident. Workers who are erecting high-rise buildings and also roofers are particularly at risk. Falling down from a high place could be due to poor judgment on the part of a worker. This can also be caused by poor scaffolding or defective roofs. If a person was not given correct safety equipment or if his work space was filled with hazards that caused him to fall, then he could use such reasons in case he decides to seek legal action.

3. Trips and Falls

Trips and falls frequently occur in construction sites as well. This is often due to the huge volume of materials, equipment, debris, as well as gaps or cracks, in a site. Anyone can easily trip and fall, which can lead to serious physical injuries. To avoid such accidents, there should be warning signs that will alert workers of possible dangers. Areas should also be well-lighted, and holes should be covered properly.

4. Exposure to Dangerous Substances

Apart from old threats, such as asbestos and lead, many other types of hazardous chemicals can be found in construction sites. Workers can get injured through physical contact, inhalation and ingestion. But even though there are obvious threats to a person’s health and safety, it is still quite common for construction companies to bypass regulations because they want to save time and money, as stated in . Nevertheless, employers must always remember that it’s vital that they protect their workers from both inherent and induced hazards. If a construction company fails to provide an employee with a safe place where he can work properly, then this person can seek legal help, especially if he comes in contact with hazardous chemicals.

5. Electrocution

Since a construction site is a work in progress, there will be exposed wires and cables. So, all workers, not just electricians, are in danger of getting electrocuted. Electrocution or shock can be avoided by identifying dangerous areas and ensuring that only authorized personnel are allowed to handle live wires. Other workers should keep their equipment and materials far from electrical hazards.


  • Detlef Shobert. “Barcelona, Edificio Forum, Construction Site”. April 28, 2003. Online image. Flickr. January 15, 2014.

Claire Taylor is a writer who has been doing freelance work since 2008. Her work is often about criminal charges and personal injury issues.


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