People who have injuries in the form of physical and mental casualties have the provision to file a claim. There is an eligibility criteria and a set of steps that you must need to fulfill to get the desired compensation. Depending on the factors, the amount of compensation may vary.
What types of injuries that are compensated under this claim?
There are different types of mild to acute injuries that can be caused at the workplace. Some of these types are minor lacerations, muscle sprains, broken bones, severe burns, amputations, and even fatalities. People who survive through these injuries at the workplace can make an accident at work claim.
Eligibility to make a claim
One has to be more than 18 years of age to file a claim. In cases when the employee is less than this age, he can still file a claim by appointing a litigation friend, who can be a close friend, a parent or a family member. This appointed person is going to deal with the concerned authority on behalf of the injured person.
For people, who have been deceased due to a workplace injury, their dependents can file a claim on their behalf. This claim would be based on the loss of dependency.
Claim procedure
If you have been suffering from an injury at workplace due to improper arrangements by the company or the negligence of the other workers, then you can file an accident claim. Dealing with legal procedures in an injured state would not be easy. This is the reason one should take help of an experienced and expert personal accident lawyers.
They have years of experience in dealing with such cases, doing a thorough investigation, gathering evidences, preparing the documentation and presenting the case in an effective manner to get the desired monetary compensation for the victim and their dependent family members.
Most of the reputed lawyers offer “no win, no fee” assurance to their clients so that fighting the case may not become a liability for the victim in such critical state.
An injury cannot only deprive you of the earnings but also adversely impact the condition of people who are dependent on you. Knowing the exact steps of action of filing a claim prior to encountering an injury, would help in quick recovery from it and reducing the worries to a great extent.