Why Use a Solicitor To Write Your Will?

Although using a solicitor to write up your will is probably the most expensive way to do it, using solicitors Chester can save a lot of stress for those that you leave behind, that’s if it is done properly.

What are the costs of making a will?

The cost of making a will can vary depending on how complex it is and whether the solicitors are based in a city. Choosing a solicitor in a city can generally be more expensive than those a little further afield.

Simple wills

For a simple will it can cost between £144 to £240. So, it is important when looking for someone to write your will you should shop around to make sure you find someone that is not only good, but at a lower price and you could save up to £100.

Complex Wills

A more complex will can cost between £150 and £300 and it could be more complex depending on whether you have been divorced or have children.

Specialist Wills

A specialist will is needed when your will involves trusts, overseas properties or you want tax planning advice. Specialist wills are usually a minimum of £500 – £600.

Mirror Wills

A Mirror Will is essentially the same will as another person. These are usually used for spouses or partners and can be a lot cheaper than doing them individually.

Why Use A Solicitor?

If you have assets overseas, you run a business, you need to pay inheritance tax or your family position is complicated then you need to seriously consider using solicitors Chester.



If you decided to use a solicitor you are protected if something was to go wrong. Solicitors are regulated and if you have any problems you can make a complaint to the solicitors firm.


Problems that may occur when making wills is that wrong witnesses can be used and even simple things like forgetting to get it signed could mean it is not valid when you pass away. By using a solicitor you will have added confidence knowing that there is minimal risk of that happening.


Having a solicitor do all the legwork for you means that anything too complicated is left to the professionals, especially the law surrounding inheritances which includes, Inheritance Tax and trusts. Solicitors are familiar with the law and can guide you through the best course of action in these instances.


Once you have written your will with your solicitor they will store the original copy in a fireproof safe free of charge. So, you know your will is safe at all times.

What To Expect?

·         When hiring a solicitor to create you will for you your solicitor should:

·         Explain all your options and help you make a decision about your will

·         Give honest advice that is confidential and always aims to put your best interests first

·         Write and check your will


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